The Managing Committee thank the members for their overwhelming
response to the Society’s 14th Venture floated at Attapur for
construction of flats. At this juncture it is our bounden duty to
update the members about the status of the project.
Municipal Plans have been submitted in the GHMC for approval.
response to the Society’s 14th Venture floated at Attapur for
construction of flats. At this juncture it is our bounden duty to
update the members about the status of the project.
Municipal Plans have been submitted in the GHMC for approval.
Ground works such as internal road formations, rock
cutting, excavation and other works are nearing completion. Once
plan approvals are received, footings and slab works will begin. Loan
process with bankers will also begin simultaneously. It is ascertained
from the GHMC that all plan approvals for major projects are
temporarily put on hold for want of certain clarification on the issue
of EWS and LIG reservations as per the Jawaharlal National Urban
Renewal Mission Scheme. We expect the issue is likely to be resolved by the Govt very soon.
cutting, excavation and other works are nearing completion. Once
plan approvals are received, footings and slab works will begin. Loan
process with bankers will also begin simultaneously. It is ascertained
from the GHMC that all plan approvals for major projects are
temporarily put on hold for want of certain clarification on the issue
of EWS and LIG reservations as per the Jawaharlal National Urban
Renewal Mission Scheme. We expect the issue is likely to be resolved by the Govt very soon.
So far the venture is progressing as per schedule.
Once the plan approvals are received, members will be intimated about
the loan process.
Once the plan approvals are received, members will be intimated about
the loan process.
Members are advised to keep the following documents / papers ready to avoid delay.
- Photographs 2 Nos
- Address Proof
- Latest Salary Slips for the past 3 months
- Form 16 for the past 3 years
- PAN card Xerox copy
- Salary Account Bank Statement for the last 6 months